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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 21:08

  本文選題:煤層氣 + 鄂爾多斯盆地東緣; 參考:《中國礦業(yè)》2017年04期

[Abstract]:There are many kinds of pores and fractures of nm~mm grade developed in coal and rock system. It is very important to characterize the internal pore structure characteristics of coal rock and coalbed methane production law systematically in order to find out the physical properties of coal and rock and the law of coal bed methane production. Based on the systematic sampling of different areas in the eastern edge of Ordos Basin, the pore structure of coal and rock in the study area was characterized by low temperature carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen adsorption, high pressure mercury injection and low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) system. The results show that carbon dioxide adsorption is suitable for the micropores of 0.6~1nm, and the main application range of liquid nitrogen is about 1~20nm. The pore size above 18nm can be characterized by mercury injection. According to mercury saturation, mercury removal efficiency and porosity, coal and rock in the study area are divided into 7 subgroups, and the characteristics of mercury-de-mercury curve are analyzed. Based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the distribution and connectivity of pore size of coal and rock with different vitrinite reflectivity and different buried depth were characterized. With the increase of reflectivity and buried depth, the proportion of micropores increased. The relevant results can support the interpretation of the physical characteristics of coal reservoirs in the eastern margin and the systematic identification of pore size distribution characteristics of coal and rock at different scales.
【作者單位】: 中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)(北京)地球科學(xué)與測(cè)繪工程學(xué)院;
【基金】:中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)(北京)大學(xué)生創(chuàng)新訓(xùn)練項(xiàng)目資助(編號(hào):C201602022) 國家自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目資助(編號(hào):41272175) 國土資源部公益性行業(yè)科研專項(xiàng)資助(編號(hào):201311015)


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