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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 02:06

  本文選題:固井 + 膠結強度。 參考:《西南石油大學》2015年博士論文

[Abstract]:Cementing strength is closely related to the interlayer sealing ability of cement ring, and interlayer sealing ability is a comprehensive problem related to safety production, resource development efficiency, economic benefit and ecological environment protection. It is a systematic process to study and improve the interface cementation quality. It is necessary to study drilling and different completion construction operations. The performance of the working fluid and the performance of the working fluid at the time of interaction are not to study a single working fluid to improve the bonding quality of the interface. In this paper, three working fluids of drilling fluid, preliquid and cement slurry are used as a whole to study the factors affecting the interfacial cementation in a vertical system. The use of ionic copolymerized monomers AMPS and NaSS ASL soap free latex.ASL emulsifier free latex used for oil well cement has good emulsion stability, film formation and thermal stability. The chemical composition and Micromorphology of ASL soap free latex are analyzed by infrared and transmission electron microscopy. Compared with THD-818 market latex and NSL traditional latex, ASL soap free latex is not added to stabilizer When the dosage of AMPS/NaSS is 1.3%-1.9%, the compressive strength and cementation strength of ASL soap free latex cement is higher. Adding a proper amount of defoamer to ASL latex cement slurry is beneficial to improving the density of latex cement slurry and the compressive strength of cement stone. The suitable dosage of D50 defoamer is 0.8%; ASL-13 When the latex was added to 10%-20%, the latex cement slurry had good performance. The cement stone had high compressive strength and cementation strength; ASL latex cement slurry had a good thickening curve at 70 C C and 90 C C; with the increase of curing temperature (70-C ~ 90 C C) or curing time (1 days to 15 days), the compressive strength of ASL latex cement stone X diffraction analysis and comprehensive thermal analysis show that the hydration products of ASL-13 latex cement and blank cement are very different in the cement body and the interface cementation. In the cement body, ASL-13 latex cement contains latex and more calcium carbonate, and there are more calcium hydroxide in the blank water mud sample. At the boundary surface, ASL-13 latex inhibits the growth of calcium hydroxide crystal at the interface, increases the content of calcium carbonate or ettringite (AFt), and promotes the growth of the hydrogel type hydration products. These hydrated products are beneficial to improve the bonding strength of the interface. The samples of ASL-13 latex cement and the samples of THD-815 latex cement are observed by scanning electron microscopy. There are membrane materials and the surface roughness of ASL latex cement can be significantly reduced. The mechanism of.ASL soap free latex in oil well cement can be divided into two aspects: one is in cement slurry, the traditional latex depends on the van Edward force between emulsifier and cement particles on the surface of cement particles. And ASL soap free latex is a latex particle table. The ionic group formed the ionic bond with the cement particles, and the latex particles adsorbed on the crystal surface to form the space hindrance, which changed the growth rule of the crystal, destroyed the normal growth of the crystal and reduced the volume of the crystallization products, and two in the cement stone, between the ASL latex film and the cement interface. In the form of ionic bond, and in traditional latex cement, the latex film and the cement interface are filled with emulsifier and other substances. So the soap free latex cement shows high compressive strength and cementation strength. The study of the biphasic pre fluid system with good flushing ability for various drilling fluids, the preliquid is thickened at room temperature and high temperature. It has good thermal stability, rheology and suspension stability. The preliquid has good compatibility and stability with the drilling fluid and cement slurry. The mixture of preliquid and ASL latex cement has no adverse effect on the thickening curve of the cement slurry. At the same time, the interface cementation strength is the highest when the biphase preliquid and the ASL latex cement are used. The microsilicon, slag and other active materials participate in the hydration reaction of cement at the interface, which consumes the calcium hydroxide at the interface and increases the expansion of the crystalline products. At the same time, a large number of crystals and gelatinous substances are formed at the cementation interface when the biphase preliquid and ASL latex cement are used, and the cementation quality is improved. These experimental results show that ASL The soapless latex cement has good performance and can improve the bonding strength of the interface remarkably when it is used with the biphasic preposition solution, which is helpful to improve the interlayer sealing ability of the cement ring and improve the cementing quality.



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