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  本文選題:煤層氣 + 高煤階煤 ; 參考:《地球科學(xué)》2017年08期

[Abstract]:Diffusion is one of the key links of methane migration in coal seams, but the characteristics of methane diffusion in coal seams are not well understood at present. Taking the high-rank coalbed methane reservoir in the southern Qinshui Basin as an example, the gas diffusion model and quantitative characterization parameters in coal matrix are analyzed by using micro-nano percolation mechanics theory. The effect of diffusivity on coal bed methane (CBM) production with different coal structure was studied by Simed software. The results show that the diffusion of methane in coal seam is driven by the chemical potential gradient, the mass diffuses in the gas production process, the Knudsen diffusion model and the configuration diffusion mode coexist and change dynamically, the methane diffusion performance is affected by the gas temperature, pressure, gas type, The adsorption of methane by matrix pore will change the pore size of micropore and affect the spatial morphology of diffusion path, and the diffusion of methane in coal matrix is a non-thermal equilibrium process, and the diffusion coefficient is a function of adsorption capacity. The numerical study based on quasi-steady diffusion shows that the diffusion performance has little effect on the long-term cumulative gas production, but has a great effect on the short-term gas production rate, while the diffusion performance is weak, the peak value of the gas production rate is lower. However, the gas production rate is relatively high in the period after the peak value, and the gas production rate of the low permeability structure coal seam is more sensitive to the adsorption time constant than that of the high permeability coal seam.
【作者單位】: 中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)構(gòu)造與油氣資源教育部重點實驗室;山西晉城無煙煤礦業(yè)集團有限責(zé)任公司煤與煤層氣共采國家重點實驗室;中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)地球科學(xué)與測繪工程學(xué)院;
【基金】:“十三五”國家科技重大專項(Nos.2016ZX05067001,2016ZX05043-001) 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目(No.41372163) 山西省煤層氣聯(lián)合研究基金資助項目(Nos.2015012014,2014012001) 山西省煤基重點科技攻關(guān)項目(Nos.MQ2014-1,MQ2014-12) 湖北省自然科學(xué)基金項目(No.2014CFB169)


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