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  本文選題:超臨界二氧化碳 + 壓裂液攜砂 ; 參考:《石油學(xué)報》2016年08期

[Abstract]:As a new type of fracturing fluid, supercritical carbon dioxide is the research hot spot at home and abroad, but its sand carrying mechanism is not clear, and it has become one of the key problems that restrict this technology. The concept of follower is introduced into the study of fracturing fluid carrying sand to characterize the follower of proppant by the ratio of the horizontal velocity of the proppant to the horizontal velocity of the fracturing fluid or the ratio of the horizontal velocity of the fracturing fluid. On the basis of the classical BBO equation, the expression of the drag force is improved and the combined drag coefficient auxiliary equation group is established on the basis of the classical BBO equation. The calculation model of the follower of the proppant in the supercritical carbon dioxide is set up, and the evaluation and optimization are made for the evaluation and optimization. A theoretical basis was provided for the supercritical carbon dioxide transport support. The model was tested by the experimental equipment developed by ourselves, and the model was used to analyze the influence factors of the proppant following the supercritical carbon dioxide. The results showed that the density of the proppant was on the heel in the range of common density. In addition, the results of the numerical analysis are consistent with the experimental results of previous scholars. In addition, the following properties of sand particles in supercritical carbon dioxide, slippery water and air are compared. The influence of the high density characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide on the performance of sand carrying capacity is greater than that of low viscosity on its sand carrying property. As a result, the performance of the sand carrying capacity is much higher than that of the air, which is less than and close to the sand carrying capacity of the sliding water, especially at the high velocity, the horizontal sand carrying capacity of the supercritical carbon dioxide is equivalent to the sliding water.

【作者單位】: 中國石油大學(xué)石油工程學(xué)院;中國石油化工股份有限公司石油工程技術(shù)研究院;The


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