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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 07:42

  本文選題:數(shù)值模擬 + 油層加熱; 參考:《中國石油大學(華東)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Steam flooding is a kind of displacement method which can improve sweep efficiency and oil washing efficiency of water drive common heavy oil reservoirs. The viscosity and mobility ratio of crude oil can be reduced by heating the reservoir after water flooding and steam flooding. At the same time, the overlying effect of steam can effectively produce the remaining oil at the top of the reservoir after water flooding and improve the sweep degree of the reservoir. Thus, the recovery degree of ordinary heavy oil reservoir is greatly improved. In view of the deep burial of common heavy oil in the pilot area of Zhong-2 Ng5 pilot area in Gudao Oilfield, long term water flooding has resulted in high reservoir pressure (the reservoir pressure is still around 7MPa after stimulation and lowering pressure, and the water cut is high, so it is not suitable for the development of steam drive after water flooding. In this paper, the well pattern and steam injection parameters of water drive to steam drive are optimized by using reservoir numerical simulation technology. The feasibility of water drive heavy oil reservoir to high pressure steam flooding is studied, and the concept of "equal capacity and same effect" is put forward. The high pressure steam drive is proved to have good development effect through the field practice in the pilot area of the second middle Ng5 in Gudao Oilfield. In order to determine the influence of formation pressure and steam dryness on the development of high pressure steam flooding in water driven heavy oil reservoirs, the mechanism of high pressure steam flooding after water flooding of common heavy oil is studied from the aspects of reservoir heating and steam expansion. The influence of formation pressure, steam dryness and water cut of transposition on steam heating reservoir is studied by temperature front moving and plane and longitudinal temperature field distribution. The effects of formation pressure and steam dryness on the expansion of steam in reservoir are studied in the longitudinal distribution of gas saturation field. Finally, the influence of static and dynamic parameters on reservoir heating and steam expansion is studied. In order to determine the limits of parameter adaptability for the development of high pressure steam flooding after water flooding in common heavy oil reservoirs, The effects of static and dynamic parameters of different reservoir on the development effect of high pressure steam flooding in water-driven heavy oil reservoirs are studied by using reservoir numerical simulation method, and the sensitivity of these influencing factors is analyzed. On the basis of the study on the effect of static parameters of different reservoirs on the development effect of high pressure steam flooding in water drive common heavy oil reservoirs, combined with the method of dynamic economic evaluation, The limits of reservoir parameter adaptability and oil price of water drive heavy oil reservoir converted to high pressure steam flooding are established.


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