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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-14 02:35

  本文選題:砂-泥互層地層 + 斷裂帶內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu); 參考:《東北石油大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Fault as a fluid migration channel or barrier depends on its internal structure. The fault zone has dual structure of fault nucleus and broken zone. The fault nucleus is the part that absorbs most of the displacement of the fault, including fault rock, lens, sliding surface and so on. The secondary microstructures developed in the fracture zone are associated with each other. On the basis of investigating fully the deformation mechanism and internal structure of the faults in sandstone and mudstone, this paper takes the low-porosity sand and mud interbed zones in Liujiang Basin of Qinhuangdao Basin and the high-porosity sand and mud interbedded fault zones in Qaidam Basin as anatomical objects, and deeply studies the high porosity. The micro deformation mechanism of faults, the types of microstructures and the structural characteristics of fault zones in the low porosity sand-mud interbedded strata, the process of formation and evolution of the internal structure of the fault zone and the law of fluid migration are explored, which are fault sealing. The study of fluid migration along the fault and the accumulation of oil and gas near the fault lay the foundation. The dissection of the fault zone in Heishanyaocun section of Liujiang Basin, Qinhuangdao shows that the deformation of the fault zone developed in the interbedded layer of low-porosity sand and mud is dominated by fracture, and the slip surface, fault breccia, fault gouge are developed in the fault nucleus. The mudstone smear and sandstone lens are mainly developed in the fractured zone. The fracture density decreases with the increase of the distance from the fault nucleus. Some breccia zones and fracture zones are filled with calcite, indicating that this type of fault zone is a channel for vertical fluid migration. By comparing the internal structural characteristics of different fault zones, the fault zone has a gradual evolution model from the monolithic mode of the non-fault core fracture zone to the binary model of the discontinuous fracture zone and to the binary model of the continuous fault core fracture zone. The dissection of fault zone in high porosity sand and mud interbedded strata in Qaidam Basin shows that the microstructural type of high porosity sandstone is deformation zone, and the deformation zone is lower than the porosity and permeability of parent rock, and its type can be divided into deaggregating zones according to diagenetic stage and argillaceous content. Fragmentation zone and layered silicate zone. The evolution of the high porosity sand / mud interbedded fault zone originated from the development of the deformation zone. The rock formed a single deformation zone at first and then formed a cluster deformation zone by strain hardening. Along with fluid participation and fault gouging, strain softening occurs, forming sliding surface and evolving into fault. High porosity fracture and high permeability fracture zone are formed in low porosity rock, and deformation of high porosity rock tends to form low porosity deformation zone and low permeability fault zone. The fault seal types and oil and gas accumulation patterns are very different. Fault reservoirs are formed in low porosity reservoirs. Because the fault zone itself does not have the sealing ability, the lateral lithology of the fault is the main sealing type, and the direct capping is relatively thin. Only the regional caprock can form a certain scale docking by fault, so the tight reservoir fault reservoir is sealed by regional caprock and lithologic docking, forming block fault oil and gas reservoir. There are three typical characteristics of oil and gas accumulation pattern: one is that oil and gas are enriched under regional caprock and thicker local caprock, the other is that the minimum fault distance determines oil (gas-water interface, maximum fault distance determines the height of hydrocarbon column) in trap range; Third, oil and gas are mainly enriched in the uplift plate of fault. The sealing type of fault zone in high porosity reservoir is fault rock seal. The accumulation of oil and gas in the vicinity of fault depends on fault rock seal and local capping to form stratified fault reservoir.


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