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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 02:25

  本文選題:輪古西 + 奧陶系; 參考:《西南石油大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:塔里木盆地輪古西地區(qū)奧陶系碳酸鹽巖油氣藏是多期構(gòu)造運動和古巖溶共同作用形成的以巖溶逢洞為主控因素的復(fù)雜油氣藏,深入總結(jié)其成藏特征及其控制因素,對油氣勘探開發(fā)具有重要意義。因此本論文以石油地質(zhì)學(xué)原理為基礎(chǔ),以地球化學(xué)分析手段為核心,結(jié)合儲層發(fā)育特征和構(gòu)造演化歷史,對奧陶系油氣成藏特征進行了闡述和分析,取得了如下認識: (1)寒武~奧陶系烴源巖是塔里木盆地分布最廣泛的烴源巖層系,是塔里木臺盆區(qū)主力烴源巖。寒武系烴源巖分布廣、有機質(zhì)豐度較高、生烴量大,對輪南地區(qū)大規(guī)模的油氣藏聚集貢獻很大。 (2)輪古西奧陶系碳酸鹽巖潛山儲層巖石類型以顆;?guī)r為主,泥晶灰?guī)r含量次之,基巖基質(zhì)孔隙不是很發(fā)育,儲層的儲滲相關(guān)性十分差,主要的儲集空間為構(gòu)造縫和次生的溶蝕孔、洞等。 (3)通過對比輪古西奧陶系原油和寒武~奧陶系烴源巖的地球化學(xué)特征表明,輪古西奧陶系原油主要來源于寒武系烴源巖。 (4)輪古西奧陶系油藏主要存在兩期油氣充注過程,第一期發(fā)生在晚加里東~早海西期,第二期發(fā)生在晚海西期。油氣充注方向為由南向北,存在兩條優(yōu)勢運移方向。海西晚期是輪古西重質(zhì)油的主要形成期,燕山晚期~喜山期發(fā)生了海西晚期生成的原油的調(diào)整充注,形成了現(xiàn)今生物降解油與少量正常油相混合的特點。 (5)輪古西奧陶系油藏的成藏主控因素包括1)寒武系烴源巖提供充足的油氣資源;2)輪古西位于有利的區(qū)域構(gòu)造位置;3)不整合、斷裂控制油氣成藏的主要要素;4)縫洞型巖溶儲集體的發(fā)育是形成大型油氣田的重要條件。
[Abstract]:Ordovician carbonate reservoir in Lunguxi area of Tarim Basin is a complex reservoir formed by the interaction of multi-stage tectonic movement and paleokarst. The characteristics of its formation and its controlling factors are summarized in depth. It is of great significance to oil and gas exploration and development. Therefore, based on the principle of petroleum geology, taking geochemical analysis as the core, combined with the characteristics of reservoir development and structural evolution, the characteristics of oil and gas accumulation in Ordovician have been expounded and analyzed, and the following understandings have been obtained. The Cambrian-Ordovician source rocks are the most widely distributed source rocks in the Tarim Basin and the main source rocks in the Tarim Basin. Cambrian source rocks are widely distributed, organic matter abundance is high, hydrocarbon generation is large, and it contributes greatly to the large-scale accumulation of oil and gas reservoirs in Lunnan area. (2) the rock types of carbonate buried hill reservoirs of Luanguoxiao Ordovician are mainly granular limestone, followed by mudstone content, the bedrock matrix pore is not very developed, and the correlation between reservoir storage and permeability is very poor. The main reservoir spaces are structural fractures and secondary dissolution pores, caverns, etc. 3) the geochemical characteristics of Luanguxiao Ordovician crude oil and Cambrian-Ordovician source rocks show that the Luanguo-Ordovician crude oil is mainly derived from Cambrian source rocks. (4) there are mainly two oil and gas filling processes in Luanguxiao Ordovician reservoir. The first stage occurs in the late Caledonian to early Hercynian period, and the second in the late Hercynian period. The direction of oil and gas charging is from south to north, and there are two dominant migration directions. The late Hercynian period is the main forming period of the Lun Guxi heavy oil. The late Yanshanian ~ Himalayan stage has been filled with the oil produced in the late Hercynian period, forming the characteristics of the present biodegradable oil mixed with a small amount of normal oil. The main controlling factors of reservoir formation in Luanguoxi Ordovician reservoir include 1) Cambrian source rocks provide sufficient oil and gas resources / 2) Lunguxi is located in a favorable regional tectonic position / 3) unconformity. The development of fracture-cavity karst reservoir is an important condition for the formation of large oil and gas fields.


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