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  本文選題:Spar平臺 + 渦激運動; 參考:《中國海洋大學》2015年博士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of offshore oil development from offshore to deep water, some offshore oil extraction platforms used for deep water development have become a hot spot of research. The Spar platform was actually applied to offshore oil development at the end of the twentieth Century. It is a relatively young platform with good stability, convenience and economy, so it has a wide application. The vortex induced vortex shedding motion caused by the wake vortex shedding will occur in the Spar platform, and the fatigue life of the opposing tube and the anchorage system is seriously affected. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the characteristics of the vortex induced motion of the Spar platform. At present, the study of the vortex induced motion of the Spar platform is mostly based on the scale model experiment. However, in the scale model experiment, the Froude similarity criterion is often used to scale the scale, so that the vortex induced motion characteristics of the prototype Spar platform are extrapolated according to the experimental results of the scale model, because the vortex discharge of the wake vortex induced by the platform vortex is closely related to the Reynolds number and the reduction rate of Ur. The proportion model and the prototype are consistent with the Reynolds number, then the vibration characteristics of the proportional model and the prototype will appear to a certain degree of discrepancy. Especially for the scale model experiment of the Spar platform, the Reynolds number is between the model and the prototype, if the scale ratio is very small, if the Froude similarity criterion is used. This will have a great impact on the reliability of the experimental results. Therefore, in the third chapter, the similarity criterion used in the scale scale model experiment is discussed, and the three scale models, such as the fully similar model, the Reynolds similarity model and the Froude similar model, are compared. The numerical simulation method and the experimental method finally think that in the scale experiment of vortex excited vibration (vortex induced motion), the Reynolds similarity criterion should be taken into account first, and the vibration characteristic of the scale model can not satisfy the proportional relationship with the prototype by the Froude similarity criterion. The experimental study on the vortex excitation based on the Spar platform In the fourth chapter, in the fourth chapter, the vortex excited motion of the Spar platform is studied and analyzed. In most CFD software, the calculation of vortex excited vibration (vortex excited motion) does not take into account the reaction force of the structure itself velocity and acceleration. In this paper, the effect is considered in the program, and the current resistance is considered. The structural damping and fluid damping are often combined into a damping parameter. In this paper, the structural damping and fluid damping are calculated separately. The dynamic model of the vortex induced motion of the Spar platform is established in consideration of the radiation damping. The effect of the radiation damping on the vortex excitation is compared and analyzed, and the Spar platform is swaying, sway, rolling and longitudinal. In order to verify the correctness of the four degree of freedom motion, in order to verify the correctness of the numerical model, the fifth chapter is compared and analyzed in the model experiment. At this time, the numerical model is calculated by various parameters in the actual model experiment, and the results are compared with the experimental results. The results show that the numerical model can be better. In the sixth chapter, the numerical simulation of vortex induced motion of Spar platform is studied in this paper. Based on ANSYS-CFX, the actual size of the Spar platform and the vortex excited motion under the flow condition are compared. The numerical simulation study under different flow velocities shows that the Spar platform changes in the depth of the water depth. But the vortex shedding has a strong consistency, it does not change with the cross section, and the three-dimensional effect is obvious. In addition, the numerical calculation is carried out in the sixth chapter, which is compiled before the use of the vortex excited motion program. The results are compared with the numerical simulation results. It is found that the programming calculation results from the programming calculation because of the programming consideration. The amplitude response of the longitudinal amplitudes is much smaller than that of the numerical simulation results, and the mean of the sway is in good agreement with the numerical simulation results. The yaw response obtained by the programming calculation is in good agreement with the numerical simulation results under the numerical simulation of the flow velocity in the unlocked region. The most important leading motion in the vortex motion of the Spar platform of the sway motion can be seen in this paper. The analysis program of the eddy excited motion of the compiled Spar platform has some applicability. In the seventh chapter, the vortex action of the spiral side plate is studied by the CFD method, and the numerical model of the flow field with the side plate and the non side plate is established. The spiral side is found by comparing the vortex discharge and the rise resistance coefficient of the two models. The existence of the plate can obviously reduce the lift coefficient amplitude, but it will increase the mean of the drag coefficient, and the existence of the spiral side will have an effect on the wake vorticity cycle. The flow model has a uniform vortex shedding period from top to bottom and the lift coefficient on each section. The amplitude of the total lift coefficient is reduced greatly, and the amplitude of the overall lift coefficient is reduced. This is not in conflict with the previous research results on the lifting coefficient of the spiral side plate which can reduce the overall lift force. In this paper, the three methods of numerical programming, model experiments and numerical simulations have been carried out on the vortex induced motion of the Spar platform. Some more reliable conclusions are obtained, which are very useful for practical engineering applications. However, the study of vortex induced motion of Spar platform is a new topic both at home and abroad. There are still many aspects in this paper that need to be studied in depth.



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