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中國石油安全的戰(zhàn)略抉擇分析.pdf 全文 文檔投稿網(wǎng)

發(fā)布時間:2016-09-09 12:12


中國石油安全的戰(zhàn)略抉擇分析 「內(nèi)容提要」石油安全對中國國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展具有重大意義。實證分析顯示: 中國經(jīng)濟持續(xù)快速增長放大了石油供需矛盾,石油安全問題日益顯現(xiàn)。比較分 “ ” “ ” 析表明,中國石油安全戰(zhàn)略可歸納為應急的石油儲備和 多元化的石油來源 兩個核心,以及提高石油企業(yè)的國際競爭力 一個關鍵點。政府應更加重視和“ ” 支持石油企業(yè)國際競爭力的提高。 「關鍵詞」石油安全戰(zhàn)略抉擇/ / security of oil/strategy/choice 「英文標題」An Analysisonthe StrategyChoice of China‘sOil Security CUI Xin-jian Center forOverseaCompany Studies Nankai University ( , , Tianjin Chin a 300071 ,, ) 「英文摘要」Oil security is significant to the national economy and developmentof C hina.Empirical analyses show that the incessant rapid growth of economy inChina has amplified the contradiction between supply and demand of oil a nd thatthe dependence rout on oil has been formed , , which will be difficul t to change thus the security problem of oil security is , increasingly rev ealed.The securitystrategy of oil in China can be concluded as the two nu cleus of“emergent oil reserve”and “diverse sources of oil”and one key p oint as “improving the internationalcompetitiveness of petroleum enterpri ses ” The government should pay more attentionto and support the 。 improve ment of international competitiveness of petroleum enterprises. 一、石油安全及其問題





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