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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-02 15:49
【摘要】:微生物燃料電池(Microbial Fuel Cell, MFC)是以微生物為催化劑氧化分解有機(jī)物,將有機(jī)物中的化學(xué)能轉(zhuǎn)換為電能的生物反應(yīng)器,能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)廢水處理和產(chǎn)生電能的雙重效果,在環(huán)境保護(hù)和能源再生方面有非常大的發(fā)展前景。大多數(shù)有機(jī)物都能夠用作微生物燃料電池的底物燃料,但是在實(shí)際應(yīng)用中,MFC處理的有機(jī)廢水種類繁多、成分復(fù)雜,因此研究MFC處理不同底物的產(chǎn)電效能以及MFC對更換底物的響應(yīng)機(jī)制,對于MFC在實(shí)際應(yīng)用中處理生產(chǎn)生活廢水具有重要的指導(dǎo)意義。 實(shí)驗(yàn)構(gòu)建了單室空氣陰極微生物燃料電池,以乳酸為底物運(yùn)行反應(yīng)器,待穩(wěn)定后將底物更換為葡萄糖(Glucose)、乙酸(Acetate)和丙酸(Propionate),穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行四個(gè)周期后,底物換回乳酸。三個(gè)階段中,進(jìn)水底物的COD均為500mg/L,在MFC運(yùn)行過程中分別監(jiān)測電化學(xué)參數(shù),并通過分析陽極生物膜附著形態(tài)和微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)解析陽極微生物在MFC利用有機(jī)物產(chǎn)電過程中的作用機(jī)制。 結(jié)果表明,在乳酸為底物的MFC最高產(chǎn)電電壓為0.231V,功率密度為2.33W/m3,此時(shí)電池內(nèi)阻為16Ω,COD去除率達(dá)到72.27%,庫倫效率9.08%。將底物更換為葡萄糖、乙酸、丙酸后,MFC分別需要500、330和550h的適應(yīng)時(shí)間達(dá)到穩(wěn)定產(chǎn)電,最高電壓分別是0.125、0.153和0.189V,周期為120、64、70h,對應(yīng)的功率密度為0.77、1.43和1.65W/m3,庫倫效率較之前有很大提高,分別達(dá)到17.85%、17.91%和29.16%。將底物繼續(xù)更換為乳酸后,反應(yīng)器仍需要一定的適應(yīng)時(shí)間才達(dá)到穩(wěn)定,適應(yīng)時(shí)間分別是193、259、373h,穩(wěn)定后的電壓分別是0.121、0.110和0.188V,低于最初乳酸底物時(shí)的運(yùn)行電壓。同樣,各MFC的功率密度也降低,Glu、Ace和Pro MFC分別為0.74、0.97和1.33W/m3,因而底物變化后微生物燃料電池的產(chǎn)電能力有所降低。 通過DGGE圖譜分析,Ace反應(yīng)器將底物更換為乙酸后,陽極微生物結(jié)構(gòu)發(fā)生明顯變化,多樣性指數(shù)由2.48增加至2.80。而Glu反應(yīng)器的陽極微生物群落在三個(gè)階段的條帶相似性比較高。同樣,Pro反應(yīng)器三個(gè)階段的條帶也比較相似,可能是因?yàn)槿樗岷捅峤Y(jié)構(gòu)相似,在被降解利用過程中的富集的微生物種類也比較相似。 本實(shí)驗(yàn)表明,底物對微生物燃料電池的產(chǎn)電性能和陽極微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)有一定的影響,底物改變后,,MFC需要一定的適應(yīng)時(shí)間才能恢復(fù)正常產(chǎn)電;反復(fù)更換底物,可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致MFC的產(chǎn)電性能降低。在實(shí)際應(yīng)用中,應(yīng)注意減小底物對于微生物燃料電池產(chǎn)電能力的影響。
[Abstract]:Microbial fuel cell (Microbial Fuel Cell, MFC) is a bioreactor that uses microorganism as catalyst to oxidize and decompose organic matter and convert the chemical energy of organic material into electric energy. It can realize the dual effect of wastewater treatment and power generation. In environmental protection and energy regeneration has a very large development prospects. Most organic compounds can be used as substrate fuel for microbial fuel cells, but in practical applications, organic wastewater treated by MFC has a variety of types and complex composition. Therefore, the study of the power generation efficiency of MFC for different substrates and the response mechanism of MFC to the replacement of substrates have important guiding significance for the practical application of MFC in the treatment of domestic wastewater. A single chamber air cathode microbial fuel cell was constructed. The substrate was changed to glucose (Glucose), acetate (Acetate) and propionate (Propionate), after four cycles of stable operation, and the substrate was replaced with lactic acid. In the three stages, the COD of the influent substrate was 500mg / L, and the electrochemical parameters were monitored during the operation of MFC. The mechanism of anodic biofilm adhesion and microbial community structure in the process of producing electricity by using organic compounds in MFC was analyzed by analyzing the mechanism of anodic biofilm attachment and microbial community structure. The results showed that the most high voltage of MFC with lactic acid as substrate was 0.231 V, the power density was 2.33 W / m ~ (3), the internal resistance of the battery was 16 惟, the removal rate of COD was 72.27%, and the Coulomb efficiency was 9.08%. After the substrates were replaced with glucose, acetic acid and propionic acid, the adaptation time of MFC was 500330 h and 550 h, respectively. The maximum voltage was 0.125 渭 g 0.153 and 0.189V, and the period was 120,6470h. The corresponding power density is 0.77 ~ 1.43 and 1.65 W / m ~ (3), and the efficiency of Coulomb is much higher than that before, reaching 17.85% 17.91% and 29.16% respectively. After the substrate was replaced with lactic acid, the reactor still needed a certain adaptation time to achieve stability, the adaptation time was 1925 9373 h, and the stable voltage was 0.121 渭 g 0.110 and 0.188 Vrespectively, which was lower than the operating voltage of the initial lactate substrate. In the same way, the power density of each MFC was also decreased, the Glu,Ace and Pro MFC were 0.74 and 1.33 W / m ~ (3), respectively, so the power production capacity of microbial fuel cells decreased after the substrate changed. By DGGE pattern analysis, when the substrate was replaced with acetic acid in Ace reactor, the microbial structure of anode changed obviously, and the diversity index increased from 2.48 to 2.80. The anodic microorganism community of Glu reactor was similar in the three stages. Similarly, the bands in the three stages of Pro reactor are similar, probably because the structure of lactic acid and propionic acid is similar, and the species of microorganism enriched in the process of degradation and utilization are similar. The results showed that the substrate had a certain effect on the electrical properties and the microbial community structure of the microbial fuel cell. After the substrate changed, the MFC needed a certain adaptation time to restore the normal electricity production. Repeated replacement of the substrate may lead to a decrease in the electrical performance of MFC. In practical application, attention should be paid to reducing the influence of substrate on the electricity production capacity of microbial fuel cells.


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