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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-01 17:07
【摘要】:隨著能源危機(jī)和環(huán)境惡化,越來越多的分布式電源并入配電網(wǎng)運(yùn)行,但分布式電源的并網(wǎng)會(huì)使得配電網(wǎng)原有的電網(wǎng)結(jié)構(gòu)及其運(yùn)行方式發(fā)生較大的變化,一些傳統(tǒng)的無功優(yōu)化模型和優(yōu)化算法由于其自身的局限性,已經(jīng)不適用于含有多分布式電源的無功優(yōu)化中。所以,如何建立含分布式電源的配電網(wǎng)無功優(yōu)化模型和尋找與其相適應(yīng)的優(yōu)化算法已成為眾多研究人員的共同目標(biāo)。 本文首先簡(jiǎn)要介紹了傳統(tǒng)配電網(wǎng)的接線方式以及其運(yùn)行方式,歸納出各種配電網(wǎng)的接線都可以使用輻射型接線方式來進(jìn)行等效的結(jié)論,并確定其潮流計(jì)算方法為前推回推法。由于本文所研究的分布式電源為小水電,通過對(duì)小水電的運(yùn)行方式以及其接入配電網(wǎng)所帶來的影響進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)要概述,根據(jù)小水電的特點(diǎn)建立含小水電的配電網(wǎng)無功優(yōu)化模型。由于無功優(yōu)化的目標(biāo)選取了有功網(wǎng)損最小和電壓偏差最小,所以本文以兩個(gè)目標(biāo)的優(yōu)化問題對(duì)Pareto最優(yōu)解的概念進(jìn)行詳細(xì)介紹,通過擂臺(tái)賽法構(gòu)造非支配解集,使用擁擠距離對(duì)非支配解進(jìn)行裁剪并以擁擠距離最大的解作為全局最優(yōu)解來引導(dǎo)搜索,最終形成解均勻分布的Pareto最優(yōu)邊界。在無功優(yōu)化算法方面,本文選取了粒子群算法和“教與學(xué)”優(yōu)化算法進(jìn)行介紹,在對(duì)兩種算法的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)、改進(jìn)以及其在無功優(yōu)化中的應(yīng)用進(jìn)行詳細(xì)介紹之后,結(jié)合粒子群算法的尋優(yōu)能力和“教與學(xué)”優(yōu)化算法多樣性搜索的優(yōu)點(diǎn),提出了適用于本文無功優(yōu)化模型的改進(jìn)粒子群算法。 為驗(yàn)證以上模型和算法的可行性,本文將以某市含小水電的配電線路進(jìn)行無功優(yōu)化。首先對(duì)該市兩條無小水電和含小水電的線路進(jìn)行潮流分析,計(jì)算結(jié)果表明本文所使用的潮流計(jì)算方法對(duì)配電網(wǎng)的潮流計(jì)算是可行的。接著結(jié)合文中所闡述的三種算法分別對(duì)含小水電的線路進(jìn)行無功優(yōu)化,通過對(duì)三種算法的優(yōu)化結(jié)果進(jìn)行比較分析,可以得出改進(jìn)后的粒子群算法具有更好的優(yōu)化效果,可以獲得較為全面的Pareto最優(yōu)曲線,即獲得更為全面的優(yōu)化解集以供決策者進(jìn)行選擇,對(duì)實(shí)現(xiàn)含小水電配電網(wǎng)的降損調(diào)壓以及經(jīng)濟(jì)運(yùn)行具有很好的理論指導(dǎo)價(jià)值。
[Abstract]:With the energy crisis and environmental deterioration, more and more distributed power sources are incorporated into the distribution network operation, but the distribution network structure and operation mode will be greatly changed by the grid connection of distributed generation. Some traditional reactive power optimization models and algorithms are not suitable for reactive power optimization with multiple distributed power sources due to their own limitations. Therefore, how to establish a reactive power optimization model with distributed generation and find suitable optimization algorithms has become the common goal of many researchers. In this paper, the traditional distribution network connection mode and its operation mode are introduced briefly, and the conclusion that all kinds of distribution network wiring can be equivalent by radiation connection mode is concluded, and the method of power flow calculation is determined as forward push back push method. Because the distributed power source studied in this paper is small hydropower, the reactive power optimization model of distribution network with small hydropower is established according to the characteristics of small hydropower through a brief summary of the operation mode of small hydropower and the influence of its access to distribution network. Because the target of reactive power optimization selects the minimum active power network loss and the minimum voltage deviation, the concept of Pareto optimal solution is introduced in detail with the optimization problem of two objectives, and the non-dominant solution set is constructed by the beating table method. The non-dominated solution is clipped by crowding distance, and the solution with the largest congestion distance is used as the global optimal solution to guide the search. Finally, the Pareto optimal boundary of uniform distribution of the solution is formed. In the aspect of reactive power optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm and teaching and learning optimization algorithm are selected in this paper. After introducing the advantages and disadvantages of the two algorithms, their improvement and their application in reactive power optimization are introduced in detail. Combining the advantages of particle swarm optimization and diversity search of "teaching and learning" optimization algorithm, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm, which is suitable for the reactive power optimization model in this paper, is proposed. In order to verify the feasibility of the above model and algorithm, the reactive power optimization of a distribution line with small hydropower in a certain city will be carried out in this paper. First, the power flow analysis of two lines without and with small hydropower in the city is carried out. The results show that the power flow calculation method used in this paper is feasible for the power flow calculation of distribution network. Then combined with the three algorithms described in this paper, the reactive power optimization of the lines with small hydropower is carried out respectively. Through the comparison and analysis of the optimization results of the three algorithms, it can be concluded that the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm has better optimization effect. A more comprehensive Pareto optimal curve can be obtained, that is, a more comprehensive set of optimal solutions can be obtained for decision makers to choose, which has a good theoretical guiding value for the realization of loss reduction and voltage regulation and economic operation of distribution networks with small hydropower.


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 張韻平;基于改進(jìn)粒子群算法的配電網(wǎng)無功優(yōu)化研究[D];廣東工業(yè)大學(xué);2015年

2 羅歡;含風(fēng)電及小水電群的配電網(wǎng)無功優(yōu)化策略研究[D];重慶大學(xué);2015年





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