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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-30 16:56
【摘要】:隨著電網(wǎng)規(guī)模的不斷擴(kuò)大和結(jié)構(gòu)的日益復(fù)雜,由過負(fù)荷所導(dǎo)致的大停電事故的發(fā)生嚴(yán)重威脅著系統(tǒng)的安全穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行和供電的可靠性。當(dāng)線路出現(xiàn)過負(fù)荷時(shí),應(yīng)準(zhǔn)確識(shí)別過負(fù)荷,將其與線路故障區(qū)分,避免有關(guān)保護(hù)誤動(dòng)對(duì)系統(tǒng)造成進(jìn)一步的沖擊,防止連鎖跳閘導(dǎo)致大停電事故發(fā)生。在識(shí)別線路過負(fù)荷并確保保護(hù)不誤動(dòng)后,為了從根源上避免大停電事故的發(fā)生,需要選擇合適的切機(jī)、切負(fù)荷控制節(jié)點(diǎn)及相應(yīng)的控制量,對(duì)過負(fù)荷線路進(jìn)行緊急控制減載,保證系統(tǒng)的安全穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行。針對(duì)上述問題,本文主要進(jìn)行了以下幾個(gè)方面的研究工作: 提出一種基于復(fù)合相量平面的自適應(yīng)過負(fù)荷識(shí)別方法。先根據(jù)不同運(yùn)行工況下量測相量的幾何分布特性,建立虛擬電壓降落方程,并求解自適應(yīng)整定系數(shù),構(gòu)造距離保護(hù)III段自適應(yīng)過負(fù)荷識(shí)別判據(jù),然后,將該判據(jù)與傳統(tǒng)距離保護(hù)III段的動(dòng)作特性相結(jié)合,以識(shí)別過負(fù)荷與對(duì)稱故障。該方法采用本地信息處理,不依賴于通信,決策快速,易于實(shí)現(xiàn),且克服了過負(fù)荷識(shí)別簡單閉鎖后出現(xiàn)保護(hù)死區(qū)的問題,在過負(fù)荷情況下,保護(hù)仍能正確動(dòng)作。IEEE10機(jī)39節(jié)點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)仿真結(jié)果驗(yàn)證了該方法的正確性和有效性。 提出一種基于虛擬電壓方程的自適應(yīng)距離保護(hù)。該方法同樣先根據(jù)量測相量的幾何分布特性,建立虛擬電壓降落方程,求解自適應(yīng)整定系數(shù),構(gòu)造自適應(yīng)距離保護(hù)判據(jù),在此基礎(chǔ)上,針對(duì)過渡電阻對(duì)距離保護(hù)的干擾問題,借助負(fù)序和零序分量的測量,確定過渡電阻電壓偏移角,求取過渡電阻補(bǔ)償系數(shù),從而顯著提高了該自適應(yīng)距離保護(hù)的抗過渡電阻干擾能力。通過PSCAD500kV兩機(jī)系統(tǒng)驗(yàn)證了該方法的有效性和高抗過渡電阻能力。 提出一種基于源荷協(xié)同系數(shù)的線路過負(fù)荷緊急控制策略。該策略在線路出現(xiàn)過負(fù)荷后,根據(jù)系統(tǒng)實(shí)時(shí)運(yùn)行方式更新源荷支路協(xié)同系數(shù)及源荷分配協(xié)同系數(shù),并由源荷支路協(xié)同系數(shù)確定切機(jī)、切負(fù)荷控制節(jié)點(diǎn)集合。根據(jù)線路過負(fù)荷情況和控制節(jié)點(diǎn)集合,以系統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟(jì)損失最小為目標(biāo),利用雙適應(yīng)度粒子群算法優(yōu)化搜尋控制策略減載。在此基礎(chǔ)上,為了保證供電的可靠性,在不造成新的線路重新過載的條件下,依據(jù)源荷分配協(xié)同系數(shù)選擇一部分未參與切機(jī)控制的發(fā)電機(jī)增加出力,帶動(dòng)部分所切負(fù)荷,恢復(fù)供電,提高整體策略的經(jīng)濟(jì)性。IEEE10機(jī)39節(jié)點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)仿真驗(yàn)證了該策略可以在保證系統(tǒng)安全穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行的前提下,有效降低過載線路的負(fù)載,并且具有很高的經(jīng)濟(jì)性。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of power network scale and the increasing complexity of the structure, the blackout caused by overload seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of the system and the reliability of power supply. When the line is overloaded, the overload should be accurately identified and distinguished from the line fault so as to avoid the further impact on the system caused by the maloperation of the protection, and to prevent the chain tripping resulting in a major blackout. After identifying the line overload and ensuring that the protection is not accidentally operated, in order to avoid the occurrence of the blackout accident from the source, it is necessary to select the appropriate cutting machine, the load cutting control node and the corresponding control quantity, and carry on the emergency control and load reduction to the overload line. Ensure the safe and stable operation of the system. In order to solve the above problems, this paper mainly studies the following aspects: a novel adaptive overload recognition method based on compound phasor plane is proposed. According to the geometric distribution characteristics of the measured phasor under different operating conditions, the virtual voltage drop equation is established, and the adaptive setting coefficient is solved, and the adaptive overload identification criterion for the III section of distance protection is constructed. The criterion is combined with the action characteristics of the III section of the traditional distance protection to identify overload and symmetric faults. This method uses local information processing, does not depend on communication, makes decision fast and easy to realize, and overcomes the problem of protection dead zone after overload identification. The IEEE10 39-bus system simulation results show that the method is correct and effective. An adaptive distance protection based on virtual voltage equation is proposed. Based on the geometric distribution of the measured phasor, the virtual voltage drop equation is established, the adaptive tuning coefficient is solved, and the adaptive distance protection criterion is constructed. On this basis, the interference of the transition resistance to the distance protection is discussed. With the help of the measurement of negative sequence and zero sequence component, the offset angle of transition resistance voltage is determined, and the compensation coefficient of transition resistance is obtained, which improves the ability of the adaptive distance protection to resist the interference of transition resistance. The effectiveness of the method and the ability of high impedance transition resistance are verified by PSCAD500kV two-machine system. This paper presents an emergency control strategy for line overload based on source load synergy coefficient. After the line is overloaded, the cooperative coefficient of source load branch and the cooperative coefficient of source load distribution are updated according to the real-time operation mode of the system, and the cutting machine is determined by the coordination coefficient of source load branch and the set of load control nodes is set. According to the overload of the line and the set of control nodes, aiming at the minimum economic loss of the system, the dual fitness particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the search control strategy for load reduction. On this basis, in order to ensure the reliability of the power supply, under the condition of not causing the new line to overload again, according to the source load distribution synergy coefficient, select a part of the generator not taking part in the cutting machine control to increase the output force, drive part of the cut load. The IEEE10 39-bus system simulation shows that the strategy can effectively reduce the overload load of the over-loaded line under the premise of ensuring the safe and stable operation of the system, and has a high economy.


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