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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-25 05:18

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 超級(jí)電容器 多孔鎳 陽(yáng)極氧化鋁 循環(huán)伏安 出處:《華南理工大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:人類社會(huì)正面臨能源緊缺和環(huán)境污染的挑戰(zhàn),新型能源材料和儲(chǔ)能材料成為了世界各國(guó)科學(xué)重要發(fā)展方向。作為一種新型儲(chǔ)能材料,電化學(xué)超級(jí)電容器材料由于具有高充放電速率和長(zhǎng)循環(huán)壽命等優(yōu)點(diǎn),而引起各國(guó)政府和科學(xué)家廣泛關(guān)注。其中,,NiO/Ni(OH)2由于具有超高的比電容(理論電容值是3750F/g),對(duì)環(huán)境無(wú)污染以及價(jià)格低廉等優(yōu)勢(shì),而成為最有潛力的超級(jí)電容器電極材料之一。本論文突破電極材料傳統(tǒng)制備方法的束縛,將模板法和循環(huán)伏安生長(zhǎng)法相結(jié)合制備三維連通氫氧化鎳/鎳復(fù)合電極,并通過(guò)調(diào)節(jié)復(fù)合電極微結(jié)構(gòu)及成分,探索制備高性能電化學(xué)超級(jí)電容電極材料的有效途徑。 本論文首先通過(guò)陽(yáng)極氧化腐蝕鋁制備了大比表面積多孔鋁,并通過(guò)電鑄復(fù)型多孔鋁獲得了三維結(jié)構(gòu)多孔鎳材料,最后獲得了高性能三維氫氧化鎳/鎳復(fù)合電極材料。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明:采用電化學(xué)氧化還原循環(huán)法在-1.5V~-0.2V之間對(duì)多孔鎳進(jìn)行粗糙化處理,可以獲得大比表面積的多孔鎳;對(duì)粗糙多孔鎳在0V~0.5V之間采用電化學(xué)原位生長(zhǎng)法制備Ni(OH)2,經(jīng)過(guò)XRD測(cè)試表明活性物質(zhì)的主要成分是α-Ni(OH)2;電化學(xué)性能測(cè)試表明,多孔Ni(OH)2/Ni復(fù)合電極具有很高的體積比電容(1559F/cm3)和很大的面積比電容(7.01F/cm2)(掃描速率為1mV/s),該復(fù)合電極同時(shí)具有優(yōu)異的循環(huán)穩(wěn)定性,在掃描速率為10mV/s循環(huán)測(cè)試500次后,其容量的保持率達(dá)到93%。 本論文通過(guò)周期性陽(yáng)極氧化和化學(xué)腐蝕相結(jié)合制備了三維互聯(lián)層狀結(jié)構(gòu)的陽(yáng)極氧化鋁光子晶體模板,并采用電鑄工藝進(jìn)行復(fù)型得到了層狀納米結(jié)構(gòu)多孔鎳集流體,然后采用循環(huán)伏安法原位生長(zhǎng)獲得多孔α-Ni(OH)2/Ni復(fù)合電極。對(duì)50層三維多孔Ni(OH)2/Ni復(fù)合電極進(jìn)行恒流充放電測(cè)試(5mA/cm2),獲得了超高的體積比電容(1387F/cm3)和很大的面積比電容(2.51F/cm2),同時(shí)也表現(xiàn)出了優(yōu)秀的循環(huán)穩(wěn)定性,在掃描速率為10mV/s循環(huán)壽命測(cè)試1000次之后,容量幾乎沒(méi)有任何的衰減。層狀復(fù)合電極具有優(yōu)異電化學(xué)性能的主要原因是優(yōu)化的多孔納米微結(jié)構(gòu)提高了電極材料的比表面積,而超薄的活性物質(zhì)層提高了電極材料的有效利用率。
[Abstract]:Human society is facing the challenge of energy shortage and environmental pollution. New energy materials and energy storage materials have become an important development direction of science all over the world. Electrochemical supercapacitor materials have the advantages of high charge / discharge rate and long cycle life. Among them, nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / nio / Nio / Nio / Nio / Nio / Nio / NiOHH2 has the advantages of high specific capacitance (the theoretical capacitance is 3750F / g), no pollution to the environment and low price. In this paper, the template method and cyclic voltammetry (CV) method are combined to prepare three dimensional connected nickel hydroxide / nickel composite electrode, which is one of the most promising electrode materials for supercapacitor. By adjusting the microstructure and composition of the composite electrode, an effective way to prepare high performance electrochemical supercapacitor electrode material was explored. In this paper, porous aluminum with large specific surface area was prepared by anodic oxidation of aluminum, and three dimensional porous nickel material was obtained by electroforming porous aluminum. Finally, high performance three dimensional nickel hydroxide / nickel composite electrode materials were obtained. The experimental results show that porous nickel with large specific surface area can be obtained by roughening porous nickel between -1.5 V and -0.2 V by electrochemical redox cycle method. The coarse porous nickel was prepared by electrochemical in-situ growth method between 0 V and 0.5 V. The XRD test showed that the main component of the active substance was 偽 -NiOH2, and the electrochemical performance test showed that the main composition of the active material was 偽 -NiOH2. The porous Ni(OH)2/Ni composite electrode has a high volume specific capacitance of 1559F / cm ~ (3) and a large area specific capacitance of 7.01F / cm ~ (-2) (scan rate is 1 MV / s). The composite electrode also has excellent cycling stability. After 500 cycles of scanning rate of 10 MV / s, the capacity retention rate of the composite electrode is 93%. In this paper, the anodic aluminum oxide photonic crystal template with three dimensional interconnected layered structure was prepared by the combination of periodic anodic oxidation and chemical corrosion, and the porous nickel collector with layered nanostructure was obtained by electroforming process. Then the porous 偽 -NiOHH / 2 / Ni composite electrode was obtained by in situ growth by cyclic voltammetry. The constant current charge-discharge test of 50 layers of three-dimensional porous Ni(OH)2/Ni composite electrode was carried out, and the ultra-high volume specific capacitance of 1387F / cm _ 3 and a large area specific capacitance of 2.51F / cm _ 2 were obtained. Showing excellent cyclic stability, After 1000 cycles at a scanning rate of 10 MV / s, the capacity of the layered composite electrode has almost no attenuation. The main reason for the excellent electrochemical performance of the layered composite electrode is that the optimized porous nanostructure increases the specific surface area of the electrode material. The effective utilization ratio of electrode material was improved by the thin active material layer.


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