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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-25 00:15

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: DCS 鍋爐 三沖量 PID控制 模糊控制理論 出處:《遼寧科技大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Firstly, this paper introduces the characteristics, functions and development trend of DCS system. This paper introduces the power generation renovation project of Angang Group Company and the use and control method of DCS system in Lishi Company. The background of this project is the DCS control system of the power generation 240-ton boiler renovation project in the energy power control center of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation. By introducing the basic knowledge of DCS, the process of design and development is explained in detail, which makes readers have a preliminary understanding of the DCS control system. The DCS program design of furnace negative pressure, the DCS picture on site and the realization of Hutchison software are introduced in detail. The full application of DCS system in boiler power generation control system is introduced in detail. In practical engineering, due to the main feed water regulation system, The regulator is affected and acted on by the three signals of drum water level, steam flow rate and feed water flow rate. Any disturbance of water level change will make the regulator signal change. Therefore, the feed water flow signal is used as feedback signal. When the water level of the regulator is not changed, it can be adjusted according to the three impulses of the feedforward signal to eliminate the internal disturbance, thus avoiding the influence of the "false water level" on the control. The control of water quantity is accurate and accurate successfully. The temperature reducing water system monitors the secondary temperature relief water between the cold forging and hot forging of the high superheater through the first stage desuperheating water between the low superheater and the screen superheater, The negative pressure of furnace is closely related to the safe and economical operation of the boiler, too high pressure will easily cause dust discharge, and there is a danger of explosion. If the pressure is too low, the power consumption of the fan will increase. The introduction of single PID regulation of the induced fan to keep the proper value of the furnace pressure is considered. In Chapter 4th, the PID theory and the fuzzy control theory are briefly introduced. Finally, the simulation experiment of industrial boiler bed temperature control is introduced in detail. Through the comparison of simulation waveforms, it is concluded that the fuzzy method can be used to optimize the parameters of PID, regardless of the overshoot time and response time. The conclusion that the control result is better in terms of steady-state error and other indexes.


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