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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-24 21:33

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: LED照明 Android Wifi軟件 智能控制 出處:《中國計量學院》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:傳統(tǒng)的照明控制系統(tǒng)需要進行復雜的布線,并且結(jié)構(gòu)體系龐大,適用于室外照明。本文提出的Wifi控制方式,其組織架構(gòu)簡潔,適用于室內(nèi)照明。本文主要研究了在Android系統(tǒng)平臺上開發(fā)一款LED燈光控制軟件;在LED燈具上接入嵌入式Wifi模塊;通過操作Android手機上的燈光控制軟件就可以控制LED燈具的照明效果。其中實現(xiàn)LED照明控制效果的核心是Wifi無線通信模塊以及基于Android系統(tǒng)平臺的LED燈光控制軟件。本文主要研究內(nèi)容可以分為: 1、研究并設(shè)計了Wifi通信模塊的電路原理圖、Wifi模塊的運行框架和Wifi模塊的移植。 研究并選擇了Wifi模塊的核心芯片;Wifi模塊的電路原理圖;Wifi模塊的運行框架結(jié)構(gòu)以及Wifi模塊的移植。Android程序一般通過使用Wifi類管理Wifi模塊,Wifi類能夠獲得Wifi模塊的狀態(tài),并可以配置和控制Wifi模塊,而這些所有的操作都是通過WifiService類來實現(xiàn)的。深入研究了Android開發(fā)平臺下Socket通信機制,包括客戶端和服務器端的實現(xiàn)。 2、設(shè)計并實現(xiàn)了運行在Android平臺上的LED燈光控制軟件。 首先設(shè)計LED燈光控制軟件的框架,根據(jù)框架分為不同的功能模塊。主要可以分為用戶登錄、Wifi熱點設(shè)備掃描連接、LED單色光控制、LED RGB控制。軟件設(shè)計的重點是Android程序中Activity與Activity之間的跳轉(zhuǎn)機制,以及Android工程與Wifi硬件電路模塊的無線通信協(xié)議的實現(xiàn),從而達到對LED燈具照明效果的控制。
[Abstract]:The traditional lighting control system the need for complicated wiring, and the structure of the system is huge, suitable for outdoor lighting. Wifi control method is proposed in this paper, the structure is simple, suitable for indoor lighting. This paper mainly studies the development of a LED light on the platform of Android system access control software; embedded Wifi module in LED lamps; the lighting effect through the operation of Android mobile phone on the lighting control software can control the LED lamp. The effect of the lighting control LED core implementation is the Wifi wireless communication module and the LED lamp light control system based on Android software. The main research contents of this paper can be divided into:
1, the circuit schematic diagram of the Wifi communication module, the running frame of the Wifi module and the transplantation of the Wifi module are studied and designed.
Research and selection of the core chip Wifi module; circuit principle diagram of Wifi module; framework of Wifi module and Wifi module of the.Android transplant procedures generally through the use of Wifi class Wifi management module, Wifi can obtain the status of the Wifi module, and can configure and control Wifi module, and all these operations are achieved through the WifiService class. We deeply studied the communication mechanism of Socket Android development platform, including the realization of the client and the server.
2, the design and implementation of the LED lighting control software running on the Android platform.
The design framework of LED lighting control software, according to the framework is divided into different functional modules. It can be divided into user login, Wifi hot spot scanning equipment connected LED monochromatic light control, LED RGB control. The key of software design is the jump mechanism between Activity and Activity in Android program, and Android and Wifi hardware engineering the circuit module of the wireless communication protocol, to achieve control of the LED lighting effect.



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