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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 均衡拓撲 動力鋰離子電池組 圖論 均衡效率 出處:《哈爾濱工業(yè)大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:動力鋰離子電池作為儲能設(shè)備應(yīng)用于人造衛(wèi)星、電動汽車和不間斷電源等領(lǐng)域時,為了滿足電壓等級的要求,通常需要幾十節(jié)甚至上百節(jié)串聯(lián)使用。在串聯(lián)電池組的使用過程中,由于各單體電池參數(shù)的不一致性,使單體之間電壓出現(xiàn)不平衡,進而導致電池組的有效使用容量降低,循環(huán)壽命減少。因此,為了提高串聯(lián)電池組的工作性能,開展鋰離子電池均衡技術(shù)的研究是十分必要的。 本文將圖論中的有向圖和賦權(quán)矩陣引入到均衡拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)的分析中,分別建立了典型結(jié)構(gòu)的有向圖及賦權(quán)矩陣描述,重點研究了均衡結(jié)構(gòu)本身對能量傳遞路徑的影響,在此基礎(chǔ)上,歸納總結(jié)出理想均衡拓撲的有向圖描述,明確了理想均衡拓撲中任意兩個單體間都應(yīng)有能量的直接流通路徑,分析了理想均衡拓撲的可實現(xiàn)性,為尋求新型拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)提供了理論指導。 在對現(xiàn)有拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)分析的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了一種基于多輸出繞組變壓器的均衡拓撲,該拓撲可以在兩步內(nèi)實現(xiàn)任意單體間能量的直接傳遞。本文以六單體為例詳細闡述該拓撲的工作原理,依據(jù)變壓器繞組同名端的位置將六節(jié)單體電池分為兩組,根據(jù)組間和組內(nèi)的不同失衡情況令該拓撲工作于三種模式,即反激模式、無輸出電感正激模式和反激-反激模式,力求在不同失衡條件下均能實現(xiàn)快速、有效的均衡;對主電路的電磁元件和雙向開關(guān)等進行了設(shè)計;分析了變壓器漏感等參數(shù)對均衡器效率的影響,為進一步提高均衡器的效率提供理論依據(jù)。 依據(jù)六單體直接均衡拓撲的工作模式分析,設(shè)計了六單體均衡器的控制電路。采用電池監(jiān)測芯片LTC6802-1實現(xiàn)電池電壓的采樣,以提高采樣精度、簡化采樣電路結(jié)構(gòu);為了避免雙向開關(guān)中均衡電流可能在過零后繼續(xù)反向增大而引起均衡器工作過程紊亂、均衡效率降低的問題,本文設(shè)計了均衡電流采樣與邏輯判斷單元;依據(jù)串聯(lián)電池組可能出現(xiàn)的多種失衡情況,制定了六單體均衡器的均衡策略,設(shè)定了各雙向開關(guān)的動作規(guī)則,,確保了均衡器可靠、有序運行。 針對50Ah的動力鋰離子電池,搭建了六單體均衡器,分別在不同失衡條件下對均衡效果進行了實驗測試及分析。實驗結(jié)果表明,六單體直接均衡拓撲可以實現(xiàn)能量在任意單體間直接傳遞,使動力鋰離子電池組得到準確、快速的均衡。
[Abstract]:Power lithium-ion batteries are used as energy storage equipment in the fields of artificial satellites, electric vehicles and uninterruptible power supply, in order to meet the requirements of voltage level. In the process of using series battery, because of the inconsistency of the parameters of each single cell, the voltage between the cells is unbalanced, which leads to the decrease of the effective service capacity of the battery. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of series batteries, it is necessary to study the equalization technology of lithium ion batteries. In this paper, the directed graph and weighted matrix in graph theory are introduced into the analysis of equilibrium topological structure, and the directed graph and weight matrix description of typical structure are established, respectively, and the influence of equilibrium structure on energy transfer path is studied emphatically. On this basis, the directed graph description of ideal equilibrium topology is summarized, the direct flow path of energy between any two units in ideal equilibrium topology is defined, and the realizability of ideal equilibrium topology is analyzed. It provides theoretical guidance for seeking new topology. Based on the analysis of the existing topology, a balanced topology based on multi-output windings transformer is proposed. The topology can realize the direct transfer of energy between arbitrary cells in two steps. In this paper, the working principle of the topology is explained in detail by taking six monomers as an example, and the six single cells are divided into two groups according to the location of the same end of the transformer winding. According to the different imbalance between groups and within groups, the topology works in three modes, that is, flyback mode, no output inductor forward mode and flyback mode, which can achieve fast and effective equalization under different unbalanced conditions. The electromagnetic components and bidirectional switches of the main circuit are designed, the influence of transformer leakage inductance and other parameters on the efficiency of the equalizer is analyzed, which provides a theoretical basis for further improving the efficiency of the equalizer. According to the working mode analysis of six-cell direct equalization topology, the control circuit of six-cell equalizer is designed. The battery monitor chip LTC6802-1 is used to realize the sampling of battery voltage in order to improve the sampling accuracy and simplify the sampling circuit structure. In order to avoid the problem that the equalization current may continue to increase in reverse direction after zero crossing in bidirectional switch, the equalizer working process is disturbed and the equalization efficiency is reduced. In this paper, the equalization current sampling and logic judgement unit are designed. According to the possible imbalance situation of series battery, the equalization strategy of six-monomer equalizer is formulated, and the action rules of each two-way switch are set up to ensure the reliable and orderly operation of the equalizer. A six-monomer equalizer was built for 50 Ah power lithium-ion battery. The equalization effect was tested and analyzed under different unbalance conditions. The experimental results showed that, The six-cell direct equalization topology can realize the direct energy transfer between any single cell and make the power lithium ion battery pack accurate and fast equalization.


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