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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-22 05:18

  本文關鍵詞: 燃氣-蒸汽聯(lián)合循環(huán)機組 供熱 運行 熱電曲線 效率 耗氣量 出處:《天津大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:The application of gas-steam combined cycle heating unit in our country started late, and has not been fully mastered in many aspects, such as design, algorithm and so on. This paper aims at the unfavorable factors such as low natural gas output and high cost of gas power generation in China. Taking the gas-steam combined cycle unit as the research object, the daily power load and gas consumption of the heating season are calculated according to the heat balance diagram and the thermoelectric curve of the unit. On the basis of the daily heat load under various working conditions, the natural gas consumption under the operation mode of "two tugs and one" in the heating season is calculated, and the natural gas consumption under the backpressure condition and the condensing condition is calculated, and the thermodynamic analysis of the operation mode in the heating season is carried out through comparison and comparison. In order to ensure the high quality utilization of natural gas, the operation mode of the unit is optimized. The heating efficiency of the thermal power plant is maximized. Clean natural gas is used as the fuel for power generation in this project. Advanced gas-steam combined cycle equipment and automatic control system are introduced. The gross heat efficiency of the combined cycle unit reaches 58.4and winter. The heating period reaches 87.044.The project is designed to improve the heating capacity to the maximum extent possible. The steam turbine adopts the heating scheme of SSS clutch of "two towing and one" backpressure machine. In winter, all the exhaust steam of the medium pressure cylinder is used for heating, and in the non-heating period, the unit is operated in accordance with the condensed steam type. There is no requirement for the minimum cooling steam flow rate of the low pressure cylinder, and the heat supply of the steam turbine can be maximized. On the basis of backpressure heating, this project adopts waste heat heater of flue gas heating network to further increase heat supply and improve heating capacity. The total external heating capacity is no less than 1254MW. The heat consumption rate is 4136kJ / kWh. the heat consumption rate is 4136kJ / kWh. the heat consumption rate is calculated and analyzed in this paper. On the basis of ensuring heat supply in heating season, the "gas consumption curve" of unit "one tow one" and "two towing one" operation mode and natural gas consumption under condensing condition is worked out, so as to facilitate the economic operation of power plant during heating season. The reasonable dispatch of gas group has achieved good expected effect.


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