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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-12 14:09
[Abstract]:Graphene has attracted extensive attention in various fields due to its excellent physical and chemical properties. The application of graphene in microporous foaming materials is one of them. Graphene not only plays a heterogeneous nucleation role in the preparation of microporous foaming materials, optimizes the size and structure of the foam, but also gives materials excellent conductivity and dielectric properties. In this field, the dispersion of graphene in polymer matrix plays an important role, which determines the heterogeneous nucleation efficiency and affects the formation of conductive network. However, graphene is easy to form aggregates in many polymers, which can be oxidized and modified by grafting. Therefore, how to realize the uniform dispersion of graphene in polymer under the condition of keeping the electrical properties of graphene becomes an important research direction in this field. Based on this, this paper uses the ion-pi and pi-pi interaction of imidazole salt and graphene in ionic liquids to modify graphene and promote graphene. Dispersion of lamellae in polymer matrix, enrichment of supercritical carbon dioxide on graphene surface by ionic liquids, enhancement of heterogeneous nucleation efficiency and improvement of cell structure are realized. In the process of preparing microporous foaming materials, inorganic nanoparticles are added as heterogeneous nucleating agents, which can reduce cell size and improve cell structure. Different types of heterogeneous nucleating agent materials have emerged according to different size levels. Graphene, as a nanoparticle, has been used in different foaming materials. However, the heterogeneous nucleation efficiency of inorganic nanoparticles is affected by the size and morphology of inorganic nanoparticles. Graphene is easy to agglomerate due to its surface properties and interaction with polymers. Therefore, improving the dispersion and heterogeneous nucleation efficiency of graphene in polymer matrix has become an important research direction in this field. Graphene-ionic liquid / polystyrene (ps / g-ils) composites and graphene-ionic liquid / polymethyl methacrylate (pmma / g-ils) composites were prepared by melt blending and extrusion of modified graphene with polystyrene (ps) and polymethyl methacrylate (pmma / g-ils), respectively. The morphological and structural characterization of the composites showed that the dispersibility of graphene in the polymer was improved with the assistance of ionic liquids. The supercritical carbon dioxide microporous foaming was carried out on the composites. In general, ionic liquids act as plasticizers in polymer matrix, resulting in larger foam pores and lower cell density, while graphene acts as heterogeneous nucleation, resulting in smaller cell size and higher cell density. In order to improve the dispersion of graphene, the microporous foaming behavior of PS and PMMA composites is very different. ionic liquids have poor compatibility with polystyrene and have little effect on the foaming of polystyrene, but they can disperse graphene effectively. The heterogeneous nucleation of graphene results in polystyrene composites. Although dispersed graphene can reduce the cell size, when the content of ionic liquids is high, the composite still has larger cell size and lower cell density. Therefore, with the increase of the proportion of ionic liquids, the foam size of PMMA composite foaming materials increases. In addition, in order to prepare composite foaming materials with oriented microporous structure and graphene lamellae, the foaming behavior of the composites under confined conditions was studied. Two foaming methods, rapid pressure relief and rapid temperature rise, were adopted to realize microporous foaming, and the confined space was fixed. The effects of foaming temperature, saturation pressure and confined space size on the structure of the foam were investigated systematically. The results showed that microporous foams with partially oriented structure could be obtained in confined space. The smaller the space, the more obvious the orientation of the foam was, but the oriented structure of the foam was mostly at the edge. TEM indicates that the graphene lamellae will be oriented along the direction of the bubble growth, which indicates that this method has certain advantages and applications in the preparation of composite foam materials with both oriented pores and graphene lamellae. Prospects.


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