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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-15 09:57
[Abstract]:As the world's largest comprehensive entertainment kingdom, Disney has created a series of classic cartoon characters centered on Mickey Mouse. In Forbes' 2004 virtual image list, Mickey Mouse, wearing white gloves, red velvet shorts and gold boots, topped the list with an annual income of $5.8 billion. Become the most expensive mouse in the world. In the eyes of the world, Mickey Mouse stands for Disney, Disney is equivalent to American cartoons, Mickey Mouse belongs to the world. In the 1930s, cinemas in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities began showing Disney animation. It was not until the introduction of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck by CCTV in the 1980s that Disney animation began to have a widespread impact in China. Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Lion King and so on become a lot of after-80s memory, has been popular. In contrast to Chinese animation, although there have been brilliant moments of "Chinese school", but also created Sun Wukong, gourd, black cat Sheriff, Avanti and other favorite cartoon characters, but the continuation of the influence is limited. Now domestic cartoon characters are only popular among children, not made scale, character image is thin, lack of characteristics. In view of this situation, this article uses the text analysis method, the comparative method, the literature method and so on research method, discusses the Disney cartoon character's characteristic, the connotation, studies why the Disney cartoon character is popular in China. Finally, on the basis of the previous research, the author puts forward some suggestions on the overseas promotion of Chinese cartoon characters.


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