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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-13 20:02

  本文選題:隨鉆測量 + 信號傳遞 ; 參考:《哈爾濱工業(yè)大學》2015年博士論文

【摘要】:在管道中普遍存在著壓力的連續(xù)波動,這種波動有時是有利的,有時是有害的。在無線隨鉆測量(Measurement While Drilling,MWD)過程中,利用鉆柱內(nèi)的鉆井液壓力波動將井下的測量信息傳遞到地面,能夠提高鉆井作業(yè)精度,降低作業(yè)成本。但是在傳遞數(shù)據(jù)的過程中,存在信號時有時無的問題,因此需要找出信號在鉆井液中傳輸?shù)囊?guī)律,確保數(shù)據(jù)的穩(wěn)定可靠傳輸;在懸掛器試壓過程中,由于測試管道中壓力急劇上升并且伴隨劇烈波動,導致對懸掛器動作壓力的測量誤差很大,面臨著如何抑制管道內(nèi)壓力波動,提高測量精度的問題。無論對壓力波動的利用還是抑制,都需要對波動的傳遞規(guī)律和特性進行深入研究,探尋問題的本質(zhì)和影響因素。本文從脈沖波動理論出發(fā),建立了管道中連續(xù)壓力波動的矩陣傳遞模型,利用傳遞函數(shù)對管道中連續(xù)波動規(guī)律進行了深入研究。該模型不但可以解釋鉆柱內(nèi)連續(xù)波動的傳遞情況,解決MWD載波頻率的選擇問題,還可以用于分析試壓管道中連續(xù)波動的傳遞情況,設(shè)計濾波管道結(jié)構(gòu),為解決懸掛器試壓過程中壓力測量精度差的問題提供理論基礎(chǔ)。本文主要研究了以下幾個方面內(nèi)容:首先,針對傳統(tǒng)波動理論無法準確有效分析管道中連續(xù)波動衰減的問題,通過研究連續(xù)壓力波動的傳遞現(xiàn)象,建立了基于雙向傳遞系數(shù)的連續(xù)波動傳遞模型,能夠準確描述波動傳遞與管道的尺寸、阻力和流體特性之間的關(guān)系。傳遞系數(shù)的實部代表管道對波動幅值的衰減,虛部代表管道對波動相位的影響,對于大傾角管道來說,兩個傳遞系數(shù)的實部是不同的,說明沿著重力方向的波動傳遞情況與逆著重力方向的波動傳遞情況是不一樣的,體現(xiàn)了重力對波動傳遞的影響。由于長管道對于連續(xù)波動傳遞來說,與輸電線路中電壓和電流的波動有相似性,從而可以定義管道的阻抗和特征阻抗表達式,利用輸電線路的分析方法分析管道中的連續(xù)壓力波動。其次,針對MWD過程中,載波頻率選擇困難的問題,通過研究管道兩端的壓力與流量的波動情況,建立了用于描述管道波動傳遞的傳遞矩陣模型和傳遞函數(shù)。通過對模型的分析,得到了壓力波動在管道中的分布情況,即在連續(xù)波動情況下,管道中的壓力波動呈現(xiàn)駐波狀態(tài)。通過對傳遞函數(shù)的分析,得到了管道的幅值頻率特性,該特性表明管道對不同頻率波動的衰減是不一樣的,整個傳遞趨勢呈現(xiàn)波動衰減,低頻衰減小而高頻衰減大,管道對于高頻波動來說,相當于低通濾波器,從而解釋了在無線隨鉆測量過程中井下信號時強時弱的原因;谏鲜鲅芯拷Y(jié)果,提出了用于鉆井液MWD的載波頻率的動態(tài)選擇方法,并通過管道的幅值頻率實驗,驗證了管道對不同頻率波動傳遞的影響。再次,針對傳統(tǒng)波動理論無法有效分析各種結(jié)構(gòu)管道中波動傳遞的問題,基于管道中連續(xù)波動傳遞模型,改進了結(jié)構(gòu)管道中波動傳遞的矩陣分析模型,用于分析各種地面結(jié)構(gòu)管道對連續(xù)波動傳遞的影響。由于地面管道大部分是水平狀態(tài)或傾角很小,可以將連續(xù)波動傳遞模型簡化后得到適用于地面水平管道的波動傳遞模型,對于復雜結(jié)構(gòu)的管道,可以通過影響函數(shù)來體現(xiàn)分支管道和容器對主管道的影響,得到連續(xù)波動在管道結(jié)構(gòu)中傳遞的計算方法;谠撃P驮O(shè)計了帶容器的管道結(jié)構(gòu),并進行了幅值頻率實驗,實驗結(jié)果表明不同頻率波動在結(jié)構(gòu)管道中的傳遞情況與模型計算結(jié)果是一致的。最后,針對懸掛器試壓過程中壓力波動劇烈的問題,通過研究封閉分支管道和容器對波動信號的影響,得出了可以利用結(jié)構(gòu)管道對波動進行抑制的結(jié)論。利用該波動抑制特性,設(shè)計了用于懸掛器試壓過程中抑制泵壓波動的管道結(jié)構(gòu),進行了試壓實驗,實驗結(jié)果表明了結(jié)論的正確性,解決了試壓過程中由于壓力波動大,導致測試誤差大的問題。
[Abstract]:The continuous fluctuation of pressure is common in the pipeline, which is sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful. In the process of Measurement While Drilling (MWD), the drilling fluid pressure fluctuation in the drill string transfers the underground measurement information to the ground, which can improve the drilling accuracy and reduce the operating cost. In the process of transferring data, there are sometimes no problems in the presence of signals. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the law of signal transmission in the drilling fluid and ensure the stable and reliable transmission of the data. In the suspension test pressure process, the measurement error of the suspension action pressure is very large because of the sharp rise in the pressure in the test pipe and the severe fluctuation in the test pipe. The problem of how to restrain the pressure fluctuation in the pipeline and improve the measurement accuracy is to be studied in detail, regardless of the use or suppression of the pressure fluctuation. In this paper, the matrix transfer mode of the continuous pressure fluctuation in the pipeline is built on the basis of the pulse wave theory. This model can not only explain the continuous wave propagation in the drill string, but also solve the selection of the carrier frequency of the MWD. It can also be used to analyze the transmission of the continuous wave in the pressure test pipeline and design the structure of the filter pipe to solve the suspension test. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the poor precision of pressure measurement. This paper mainly studies the following aspects: firstly, the continuous wave attenuation in the pipeline can not be accurately and effectively analyzed by the traditional wave theory. Through the study of the transmission phenomenon of continuous pressure fluctuation, a continuous wave transfer model based on the two-way transfer coefficient is established. The real part of the transfer coefficient represents the attenuation of the amplitude of the wave, and the virtual part represents the effect of the pipe on the wave phase. For a large dip pipe, the real part of the two transfer coefficients is different, indicating the wave propagation in the direction of gravity. It is different from the wave transfer in the direction of gravity, which reflects the influence of gravity on the wave propagation. Because the long pipeline is similar to the fluctuation of the voltage and current in the transmission line for the continuous wave transfer, the impedance and characteristic impedance expressions of the pipeline can be defined, and the analysis method of the transmission line is used to analyze the tube. The continuous pressure fluctuation in the channel. Secondly, in view of the difficulty of carrier frequency selection in the MWD process, through the study of the pressure and flow fluctuation at both ends of the pipeline, the transfer matrix model and transfer function used to describe the transmission of the pipeline wave are established, and the distribution of pressure fluctuation in the pipeline is obtained by analyzing the model. Under continuous fluctuation, the pressure fluctuation in the pipeline presents a standing wave state. Through the analysis of the transfer function, the amplitude frequency characteristics of the pipeline are obtained. This characteristic shows that the attenuation of the pipeline is different from the frequency fluctuation, the whole transmission trend is fluctuant, low frequency attenuation is small, high frequency attenuation is large, and the pipeline is high frequency fluctuation. It is equivalent to low pass filter, which explains the reason that the downhole signal is strong and weak in the process of wdri measurement. Based on the above results, a dynamic selection method for carrier frequency of drilling fluid MWD is proposed, and the effect of the pipeline on the transmission of different frequency waves is verified by the amplitude frequency experiment of the pipeline. The traditional wave theory can not effectively analyze the problem of wave transfer in various structural pipes. Based on the continuous wave transfer model in the pipeline, the matrix analysis model of the wave transfer in the structure pipeline is improved, which is used to analyze the influence of various ground structure pipes on the continuous wave transfer. Because most of the ground pipes are horizontal or dip angles. It is very small that the continuous wave transfer model can be simplified to get the wave transfer model suitable for the horizontal pipeline. For the pipeline of complex structure, the influence of the branch pipe and the vessel to the main pipe can be reflected by the influence function, and the calculation method of the continuous wave propagation in the pipe structure is obtained. Based on this model, the container is designed. The pipeline structure and the amplitude frequency experiment are carried out. The experimental results show that the transmission of different frequency fluctuations in the structure pipeline is consistent with the model calculation results. Finally, the influence of the closed branch pipe and the vessel on the wave signal is studied, and the effect of the pressure fluctuation in the suspension test pressure is studied. Using the structure pipe to restrain the fluctuation, using the fluctuation suppression characteristic, the pipe structure which is used to restrain the pressure fluctuation of the pump pressure in the suspension test pressure is designed. The test pressure test is carried out. The experimental results show the correctness of the conclusion and solve the problem that the pressure fluctuation is big and the test error is big during the test pressure.



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